Buying The Property Is The Easiest Part!
Did I read the title correctly???? Yeah, you definitely read that correctly! Buying the property is the easiest part. What’s hard is what

Building Codes: Navigating Compliance and Safety
Prioritizing compliance with your local municipality is essential when it comes to any home renovation project, big or small. The laws of the city of

4 Reasons to Rent Out Your Property
Oftentimes, I will have current and former clients ask me whether they should consider renting out their NYC homes. My answer is almost always a

Investing in Potential: Why Fixer-Uppers Can Be Your Key to Real Estate Success
Here me Out! Think about acquiring a fixer-upper deal if you’re interested in purchasing a property in New York City. These homes may be excellent

Maximizing Your Buying Power: Navigating the Competitive NYC Real Estate Market in 2023
New York City’s real estate market is famous for its high prices and intense competition, making it difficult for buyers to find the best

Your Guide To Buying And Selling House
2021 was quite the year for real estate in New York City. Prices came back with a vengeance. The city’s buyer’s market, Now shifting